Taking Care -

Taking Care -

Hello!  If you don't know me well, hang on, we'll dive into to that anther time. For now just know that Retail Therapy IS real (I asked a client who is a licensed therapist and she confirmed what I have always known).  I have been a Retail Therapist for well over 30 years! I love what I do and won't be stopping any time soon.  I've learned a thing or two along the way and look forward to sharing it here. I hope my writing will improve as I go along.  Believe it or not, I was a writing major, I digress.....

TODAY we're talking about a little inexpensive white knit top. This little top, and I mean little, is a crop top made from a mystery mix of fiber content. It was purchased at a big box store with questionable production standards. None of that really matters because it was already purchased and it's my daughter's favorite top.  It came home from college with her and was terribly stained. "Mom, can you save my top?" 

Backing up a bit, I am the owner of Nido, a small, semi-secret clothing store where shopping is slow, the selection is well-curated, and the sharing of ideas is plentiful. One day several months ago, a lovely neighborhood client popped in.  We talked, she shopped and then she turned me on to "Laundry Love". Laundry Love is a book of tips and tricks and straight talk for taking care of your laundry. I was a little doubtful at first. "Laundry" and "Love" in the same sentence? Hmmmm....  I certainly don't Love doing Laundry.  However, Lovely Neighbor Client encouraged me. I read it and started implementing some of the information. The Short Wash Cycle for everything made sense. I have always washed my sweaters and other pieces that many take to the Dry Cleaners, so that made sense too. 

Fast Forward- when the top came home from college and  "saving it" was requested, I went to the book, found the stain guide and followed the instructions.  In this case, I dabbed a little stain solution (The Laundress Stain Solution) and mixed it with a few granules of bi-carbonate (Arm & Hammer Washing Soda) rubbed it in for a few seconds, let it sit for 30 minutes, poured hot water through it, put it on the short cycle of my washing machine and viola- the stains were gone. No sign of any spots!  I really thought that crop top was headed for the thread recycler, but nope- it went back to college, all white and ready for more wearing. How cool was that! 

Not only did my daughter get to keep wearing her favorite top, but it prevented her from buying another one.  These days I'm all about chasing carefully. Buy less and buy better, let go of the things that don't work, make room for what does AND take care of those favorites (even if it's a crop top from a big box store).  

Of course I had to buy the book for my store. You can order it online at www.nidoseattle.com 

That's it for today from this Retail Therapist! 

Take Care, Rita 



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1 comment

Hi Rita: I loved your story about your daughter’s “big box store” top! Somewhere in this world, a person was involved more or less in the manufacture of that top..for better or worse. Saving the top and removing the stain honored the concept of “slow fashion” and saved that top from obscurity! It also acknowledges that wearing one’s clothing with a sense of gratefulness connects us all! Xxoo

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